Although Donkey Dreamland’s mission statement is “Rescue, Recuperate and Rehome”, do you know that there is a bit more to Donkey Dreamland?
Unfortunately it all costs money. When we rehome a donkey, we do not “sell them” nor ask for donations, as the priority is to ensure they go to a loving home. Occasionally, we even rehome donkeys on a foster basis, where Donkey Dreamland pays for ongoing costs such a vet and farrier bills, as this allows the donkeys to receive more individual love and attention AND frees up space at the sanctuary so that we can rescue more donkeys in need. So far, we have rehomed 14 donkeys – and they are all loving their new forever homes. However, the priority is to find them loving forever homes where their new owner can meet the ongoing costs associated with having the joy of donkeys living with them.
Donkey Dreamland also works with local practitioners and organisations proving Donkey Assisted Therapy, where we work to improve human and donkey’s well-being based on therapeutic interactions that benefit both parts.”
The goal of Donkey Assisted Therapy (DAT) is to improve a patient’s emotional, social and or cognitive functioning. DAT helps patients to develop life skills such as communication, decision making, coping and management skills plus critical thinking
DAT also benefits children with disabilities under rehabilitation with depression by making them happier, lessening depression, and improving their outlook on life. It also helps decrease sense of loneliness and isolation by giving them a companion, reduction of boredom and anxiety because of its calming effects and helping children learn empathic and nurturing skills and improving the relationship between children with disabilities and the healthcare and psychosocial therapy provider.
In addition to hosting school visits, where the children learn about the donkeys and donkey welfare, as well as having an opportunity to interact with some of the rescued donkeys, Donkey Dreamland also works to educate people about donkey welfare.
According to an extraordinary article in The Olive Press whilst most Spaniards today love animals, there are still pockets of the country where strange and sickening rituals see animals suffer torturous treatment or death – just for the so called fun of it.
Fortunately, as per El Pais these practices will soon be outlawed, if they are not already, as at the beginning of 2022 animals are now considered to be sentient beings, meaning they can no longer be seized, mortgaged, abandoned, or mistreated or removed from one of their owners in the case of a separation or divorce. These changes are now in force under Spanish law.
But whilst changing the law is a massive step in the right direction, educating people about animal welfare and animal rights – plus making them aware of the changes in the law – are vitally important. As well as working with International, National and local media Donkey Dreamland visits local communities to give advice and assistance, with the hope that one day, the need for animal sanctuaries will drastically reduce.
However, in the meantime, it costs money to help these beautiful animals. In addition to day-to-day welfare, food, water and cures, there are regular veterinary and farrier bills, plus animal transport costs, not to mention the administration costs of dealing with the authorities. And whilst most of the helpers at Donkey Dreamland are volunteers and help out fee of charge, occasionally there is a need to have a very small skeleton staff to ensure everything is well managed and runs smoothly.
Ignoring the ongoing maintenance, any rescue is likely to cost a minimum of €1,000 due to the costs of transport, veterinarian treatment and assessments (which invariably includes castration for males). With 28 rescues to-date, that adds up to a great deal of money, which is totally funded by generous donations as Donkey Dreamland receives no government funding.
Can you help?
Whilst a monthly donation of €1 may not seem much – and indeed at less than the cost of a cup of coffee per month it is not really that much – if just half of our followers made this monthly commitment, we would be able to continue with our work safe in the knowledge that our funding is secure. You can make this contribution by become one of our TEAMERS.

Teaming is an online tool to raise funds for social causes through micro donations of €1 per month. The Teaming philosophy is based on the idea that with €1, we alone cannot do much, but if we join together, we can achieve great things. Teaming is totally free of charge – there are no admin fees or bank charges and there are currently over 400,000 Teamers donating to over 13,000 Teaming Groups. Donkey Dreamland is now one of these groups and you can help us achieve great things by joining our TEAM:
Of course some people would like to contribute more than €1 per month and whilst Teaming does not offer this option, you can make whatever monthly contribution you wish by sponsoring an individual donkey, or subscribing to make a monthly donation: and in return to get a certificate with a picture of your chosen sponsored donkey.