Update on Olivia – Our newest rescue

Olivia has been with us for over a week now and she is improving everyday. It will be a very long process and there are no guarantees, because when she is strong enough, she will need surgery, which is always risky at the best of times.


However, she is alot more relaxed and she is getting stronger. We are even beginning to see traits of her character, so she must be gaining some confidence. Yesterday, whilst Amaya was busy with some volunteers, Olivia sneakily entered our terrace and helped herself to a basket full of mandarins plus a couple of plot plants! And then duly took herslef back to her stable and lay down with a look on her face which basically said “It wasn’t me!”. Our recently departed Pepe used to do that all of the time, so it’s no surprise when we hear many of the volunteers say how much Olivia reminds them of Pepe. 

The vet is doing another assessment with her today and we will let you know what he has to say in due course, but she is definitely getting stronger and that means we are getting closer to being able togive her surgery. In addition to having to fund that, we are also trying to build up a regular reliable income so that we don’t have to do “one-off” fundraising drives wheneverwe have to rescue another helpless donkey. To that end, we are asking for your help to increase the number of monthly donating supporters helping us meet the ongoing costs of the sanctuary. Please share this blog as much as you can and hopefully that will help with donations. If you are able to provide some monthly support from €10 or more, please follow the link below:

Alternatively, for just €1 per month you could become one of our TEAMERS. It may not seem like much, but Teaming is an online tool to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro donations of 1€ a month. The philosophy is based on the idea that 1€ does not have much of an impact if donated alone, but if we join forces, we can make beautiful projects possible. It will take time, but with your support spreading the word, one day we might have sufficient Teamers to help ensure each month’s cost are met, leaving Amaya and the volunteers free to focus on the Rescue, Recuerating and Rehoming of more and more donkeys.

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