Much has been happening at Donkey Dreamland

happy easter to everyone



In addition to adults and children experiencing a tour of the sanctuary and interacting with our beautiful rescue donkeys, there will be an Easter Egg hunt and artwork shop for the children. Come and spend a few hours at donkey dreamland and let your children enjoy the great outdoors, interacting with our donkeys, learning about them as well as enjoying a supervised Easter Egg hunt and Art Workshop.


All proceeds go towards helping the existing donkeys rescued donkeys as well as providing funds to finance new rescues. Thank you for your support.

private event on 12th april

Donkey dreamland rescues a horse?

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We heard about a horse who had a mini stroke (or something similar) and went blind as a result. His owner had no further interest in him and he was left in a stable for three weeks and he was going to be put down. Even though we are a donkey rescue centre, we could not ignore this – especially as we currently have spare capacity and shelter. A rooster had become his companion and never left his side, so we took the rooster too!


They have both settled in well and the rooster gets upset if he can’t see the horse (sometimes we have taken him to a bigger paddock with some grass, so that he can experience walking around again, and this paddock is out of the eye line of the rooster!)


We felt they both needed a name and after assessing loads of suggestions, the volunteers settled with Lucky and Luke after a childhood comic series Amaya was very fond of: Lucky Luke. So we have Lucky, the horse and Luke, the rooster.

olivia update

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Our vet is very happy and we thank him for his skill and experience. We wanted to show you a video of her almost running, but we also wanted to show you our vet, Jose Maria telling us that he is very happy. To see her almost running, visit our YouTube channel at
and see how well she is recovering! That is thanks to everyone who has donated to her GoFundMe Appeal. It has been a long and expensive process, but TOTALLY worth it. Now that she has minimal pain, her real character is coming through – and what character she has! She has obviously become used to being the centre of attention because now she demands attention whenever she feels she is not getting enough!


There is still some minor work to be done on her front hooves and this has to be done gradually by the farrier which involves filing down the heal so that it is at the correct angle for her new (correct) posture. Every donation has helped Olivia and further donations will continue to help with her recovery and recuperation. Please share the GoFundMe Appeal link so that we have a chance of reaching our target which will help reduce the financial pressure the sanctuary faces.



In the next edition...

You may recall the separate stories of Carlos and Lucero. Carlos was in need of rescuing, but Lucero was not badly treated or neglected – he just needed to interact with donkeys so that he could remember that he is a DONKEY!


Well Carlos has taken Lucero under his wing and as well as teaching him how to behave, they have bonded and are most likely to be inseparable.


They have also been out to visit a top five star hotel in Marbella to help to introduce young children at the Kids Club to Donkey Dreamland and animal welfare. More about their exciting excursions in the next issue….

Can you help us help the donkeys (and Lucky the horse)?

Please share this blog as much as you can and hopefully that will help with donations.


We have been involved in the rescue of over 35 donkeys in less than two years since are formation, but this just highlights how much there remains to do. In addition to the stated mission of Rescue, Recuperate and Rehome, we also want to get out within the community to EDUCATE, particulary so that future generations are more aware and make our role redundant. Unfortunately it all costs money. With no financial support currently coming from government, we are so grateful for the financial assistance provided by our supporters, followers and visitors. But as is so often the case, we need more. It costs around €4,000 per month to run the sanctuary. Obviously this is not just food for the donkeys – they eat alot, but not that much! That said, in the last month, the price of hay as almost tripled! We are now paying over €1,000 per month to feed the donkeys currently at the sanctuary. It’s been a dry winter and our wells have struggled to keep up with demand and a truck load of water now costs over €100 and with the summer almost upon us, we can assume we will need a truck a week. Rent also swallows up a big chunk of our income – just over €1,000 per month and maintence is an ongoing battle. On top of all of that, we always have vet bills and farrier fees. Educational visits to schools and hotels also mean additional transport costs – normally around €300 a time. So it does all add up. Our volunteers do amazing work, giving their time and love for free and we try to arrange local fundraising events, but every little bit helps.


If you are able to provide some monthly support from €10 or more, please follow the link below:

Alternatively, for just €1 per month you could become one of our TEAMERS. It may not seem like much, but Teaming is an online tool to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro donations of 1€ a month. The philosophy is based on the idea that 1€ does not have much of an impact if donated alone, but if we join forces, we can make beautiful projects possible. It will take time, but with your support spreading the word, one day we might have sufficient Teamers to help ensure each month’s cost are met, leaving Amaya and the volunteers free to focus on the Rescue, Recuperating and Rehoming of more and more donkeys.

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