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a rescue centre for donkeys and a donkey sanctuary

Our proposal for the use of donkeys in Mijas Pueblo – 19th August 2024

  1. We believe that the current number of donkeys used in Mijas Pueblo is excessive, and we propose to ‘retire’ old and infirm donkeys to our sanctuary where they could live in peaceful surroundings.
  2. For the donkeys that remain, we propose to allow many of them to roam freely in pastures close to Mijas Pueblo, where visitors can see them in peaceful surroundings, and to see them at close quarters.
  3. In addition, we propose to secure an additional space, a park, sheltered by pine trees, within Mijas Pueblo, where a small number of donkeys will be available to interact with visitors, providing opportunities for photographs and interactions (grooming etc) and to learn about these incredibly intelligent and personable animals. These donkeys would be ‘rotated’ with the donkeys roaming free in the larger paddocks.
  4. We also propose the allocation of a council building to be used as a Heritage Centre where visitors can learn about the centuries old tradition of donkeys in Mijas Pueblo which stretches back thousands of years, when the Roman Empire stretched to Mijas.
  5. We also propose a “Paseo con burros” – a walk with Donkeys, where visitors could help to walk the donkeys through the streets and avenues of Mijas Pueblo and rolling back the thousands of years of history of the Mijas Donkeys.
  6. It goes without saying that the donkeys would receive the best nutrition, medical attention, dentistry and hoof care available to ensure the donkeys are in the best possible condition.
  7. Through these measures, and other supporting measures, we propose to preserve the species of the Andalusian donkey, a breed that is in real danger of becoming extinct.
  8. The proposal also considers the impact upon the owners of the donkeys, the ‘arrieros’, or muleteers, as without their vision, it is likely that the humble donkey would have disappeared from Mijas Pueblo many years ago, with the Pueblo becoming ‘just another Spanish village’, despite its authenticity and charm.

    Our proposal has the intention and determinaton to work for all parties, the Mijas Town Hall, te protesters, the donkey owners and most importantly of all, the Mijas donkeys. We truly believe that the changes within our proposal achieves a model that works for everyone, whilst aligning with the global trend towards Ressponsible Tourism and animal welfare.

    Donkey Dreamland and their dedicated team of volunteers would like to thank all those that have been instrumental in the creation of this proposal, especially Mijas Town Hall and Steve Desson, a Mijas resident, and friend of Donkey Dreamland.

Propuesta para el uso de burros en Mijas Pueblo – 19 Agosto 2024


Atención: Se trata de una propuesta en evolución sugerida y es probable que cambie a medida que avancemos.

1. Creemos que el número actual de burros utilizados en Mijas Pueblo es excesivo, y proponemos «jubilar» a los burros más mayores en nuestro santuario, donde podrían vivir en un entorno tranquilo
2. Para los burros que quedarían en Mijas, proponemos crear y vallar prados en el vial sur del Pueblo para moverse libremente, y que los visitantes (bajo previo pago) puedan verlos de búsqueda en lo más parecido a su hábitat natural
3. Proponemos asegurar un espacio adicional, un parque, protegido por arboles, del ayuntamiento, donde un pequeño número de burros estarán disponibles para interactuar con los visitantes, proporcionando oportunidades para fotografías e interacciones para aprender sobre estos animales increíblemente inteligentes y agradables. Estos burros rotarían con los burros que campan a sus anchas por los prados más grandes.
4. También proponemos la asignación de un edificio del ayuntamiento para ser utilizado como Centro de interpretación donde los visitantes podrían conocer la tradición centenaria de los burros en Mijas Pueblo.
5. Proponemos un ´Paseo con burros, donde los visitantes podrán acompañar a los arrieros a pasear a los burros por 2 itinerarios concertados alrededor del pueblo y recrear así la historia de la utilización de los burros antes de convertirse en burro taxi.
6. Huelga decir que ofrecemos colaboración y asistencia a los arrieros para optimizar el bienestar animal poniendo a disposición a nuestro equipo de profesionales en caso requerido,para colaborar/ayudar a los veterinarios de los arrieros.
7. Con estas medidas, nos adherimos a las ideas del ayuntamiento y los arrieros para preservar la especie del asno andaluz, raza que se encuentra en grave peligro de extinción
8. La propuesta también tiene cuenta el impacto sobre los propietarios de los burros, los arrieros, ya que, sin su trabajo durante años el icónico burro hubiera desaparecido de Mijas Pueblo hace muchos años,como ha sucedido en la mayoria de municipios españoles.

Nuestra propuesta tiene la intención y la determinación de funcionar para todas las partes: Los arrieros, la imagen de Mijas, y lo más importante de todo, los burros. Creemos sinceramente que cambios sugeridos consiguen un modelo que funciona para todos, a la vez que se alinea con la tendencia mundial hacia el Turismo Responsable y el benestar animal.

Actualmente estamos debatiendo la propuesta con el Ayuntamiento de Mijas y nos anima la voluntad del Ayuntamiento de mejorar el benestar y actividad de los burros. 

Donkey Dreamland y su dedicado equipo de voluntarios quieren dar las gracias a todos aquellos que han sido fundamentales en la creación de esta propuesta, especialmente al Ayuntamiento de Mijas y a Steve Desson, residente de Mijas y amigo de Donkey Dreamland.

Donkey Dreamland provides a home for donkeys free from pain and suffering, surrounded by people who offer love and respect in a calm and tranquil setting. Throughout history donkeys have served us well, worked hard and have, at times, been abused. Donkey Dreamland aims to restore their dignity, whilst providing support and understanding of their plight through education and interaction.


As a Sanctuary, we provide a safe place where injured or unwanted donkeys are cared for and offer them a home for life. As a Rescue Centre we provide a place where donkeys who are ill, injured, not cared for or badly treated can be taken and given treatment and care, with a view to finding them a new loving forever home.

rescue, recuperate and rehome - it's what we do!

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donkey walks


Join Donkey Dreamland rescue centre in their daily activities taking care of the rescued donkeys. Guests will arrive at the sanctuary where your host will introduce themself and tell some of the story of Donkey Dreamland’s formation and speak about the experiences of some of the donkeys.


After a tour of the sanctuary you will take a walk with the donkeys, enjoying the company of these amazing creatures as well as experiencing the amazing countryside surrounding the sanctuary.


Surrounded by beautiful wildlife and olive trees, you will find it hard to believe that you are just 5 minute drive from the beach, except that for the most part you will have an enticing view of the sea, when you are not gazing into the loving eyes of the donkeys.

Click the picture to see a short video of a Donkey Walk

tours of the sanctuary

The Standard Donkey Dreamland Tour provides entry to the sanctuary and a 30 minute guided tour* by a Donkey Dreamland guide. Receive a personal introduction to the donkeys, hear their stories, and learn a few donkey facts along the way! There is the opportunity to interact with the donkeys through petting and or grooming – although this may not be suitable for small children. After the tour, guests are welcome to spend time enjoying the peace and tranquillity of Donkey Dreamland.

Click the picture to hear about one of our donkeys

special events and activities

Two or three times a month there are events and activities to suit all tastes, for example Sound Healing Sessions with Donkeys and Festivities and Celebrations.

Click the picture to experience one of our events

support the donkeys through sponsorship